The only true disability is a fixed mindset. As someone who has always been an athlete, a performer and a competitor, I know what it takes to win. However, my accident gave me a rare opportunity to start from rock bottom and find out what winning really is. On my second day in the ICU I had a pivotal conversation with my incredible surgeon where I set a goal to snowboard again and he gave me Hope that I would do anything I wanted. Against all odds, 10 short months later, I achieved that goal. But, I didn’t stop there. I am now a professional Para Snowboarder, Spartan Racer and Mountaineer among many other athletic accomplishments. Losing a leg doesn’t define me and as long as I am able to, I will push myself in order to show the world that you don’t need two legs to live an incredible life.   

Defy Impossible

Mobility is a gift. My mission in life is to help others and the best way I know how to do that is to lead from the front. I have been so blessed by people who have shown me what I am capable of and now I get to pass that along to others. I train fellow adaptive athletes at the adaptive training foundation in texas; the place that I credit with having the greatest impact on my recovery. I also climb mountains in Ecuador for ROMP to raise awareness and money for access to prosthetic care for underserved communities of amputees. I climb mountains so that others can climb theirs.
Support my Fundraiser for ROMP!

Pay It Forward

Being an elite athlete with goals of reaching the highest levels in sport and competition is expensive, to say the least. There is travel and training and equipment that all have to be specialized to meet the needs of my unique disabilities. I am always looking to foster partnerships with companies and brands that want to help support me in my athletic endeavors.  


Let's Be Teammates

2024 Jamie Blanek  | All Rights Reserved