Hey, I'm Jamie Blanek!

Welcome, friends! I am so glad that you are here! I am a firm believer that God created everyone for a reason. After surviving a traumatic accident, my perspective on life completely changed. I became acutely aware of how fragile life is and how precious our time is. While we can’t control when we will take our last breath, we can make sure that we live each moment to the fullest. Through my pain I found my purpose and that is to help others through sharing my message of Hope. I am living proof that you can take the broken pieces of yourself and intentionally put your life back together and build something beautiful.  

My Experiences




In an instant Jamie’s life changed forever. She went from being an active business owner and beauty Queen to being permanently physically disabled with a long, hard road of recovery ahead of her. But, her life didn’t end there. Jamie knew God had big plans for her. 

As a professional athlete, Jamie uses her physical abilities to show the world that on the other side of your worst day is a beautiful life. Her strong mindset allows her to do hard things with the goal of helping others through one on one mindset coaching.

Jamie is no stranger to being on a stage or in front of a camera. With a degree in Performing Arts she grew up telling stories on stage and now she gets to tell hers. With great vulnerability and immense Grace, Jamie shares lessons she has learned during her second chance at life. 




Lets Work Together

Even though I have been through the unimaginable, I choose Gratitude daily. I believe that helping others is my calling and I know that my story is my strength that I get to share with the world. No matter if I’m on stage, in the gym or doing a one on one, my story inspires everyone that I come into contact with. I paid a high price for the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way and I want to share them with you so that you don’t have to suffer for them like I did. Whether you hire me for speaking engagements or coaching, you’re going to be motivated to fearlessly live your life with Hope like I do. 


2024 Jamie Blanek  | All Rights Reserved